if you think anything needs to be added here, please dm me on whatever you found this website through
- support ibrahim abu-saqer and his family in rebuilding
- the "decolonize palestine" website, with lots of information on the history of palestine
- "project gutenberg" - a free legal resource with over 75,000 public domain ebooks
- "arab.org" - website where just clicking a button donates to various people in need
- information on how to call for a ceasefire on the current palestinian genocide
- links for "operation olive branch" a grassroots movement to support and amplify aid requests of palestinian families
- "ground news" - news resource that shows bias and factuality of different political leans from news sources on ongoing news stories
- help the women and children of congo
- what's happening in sudan
- links to help sudan
- "friends of the congo" - with more information on the free congo movement and how to help
- "amnesty international", an organization that helps countries facing oppression around the world
- stop cop city
- "visualizing palestine" - a website with visual resources and data-driven information about palestine
- information on the bds movement
link tree with loads and loads of donation links
keep talking about palestine, congo, sudan, and every other country going through opression, hardships and genocide! no one is free until we are all free, continue to spread information, donate, and protest whenever you can, and demand liberation