now playing..... noelle's theme (unused) - deltarune


will be updated whenever i do something to the site(previously a blog)

----------------------------------------------- jan 6 2024 - updated the layout and put stuff into flexboxes... cause i finally know how to do that now... i also added some variety in music between pages, and the "music of the week" is less specific time wise, instead of every week its like....... every now and then

jan 17 2024 - new entry in my music page!

hey you made it!! so,,, who is this "onyx" anyways??




they/star/web/he are the main ones, but you can use any neopronouns you'd like :3


6teen :3

if for whatever reason you'd like to link my site to yours, heres a button for that! (also please let me know if you do so in the comment section (with ur site link) so i can check out your site :3)